Friday, August 5, 2016

Fall nominations.

Hi all!!!

One of my readers informed me I've been nominated for an indie award for The Killing Times.

I'm so excited.

If any of my readers would like to go out and nominate the book to get me in the finals, I'd appreciate it.  Hint hint..go vote. Lol

There's an award if I win, and I'll be raffling it off here on the blog to give it to one of my readers.
Getting to do my job is award enough. I'll pass off the prize to you, and toss in another gift card of my own as a thank you.  

So, please take a few minutes to nominate me and The Killing Times for the award.

Here's the link.

Thank you in advance!!!!

I hope you're enjoying Dark Justice!!!!  Don't forget to leave a review.

Much love, mayhem, and murder,

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