Saturday, February 4, 2017

Kiss of Souls

 Hey, everyone!

I hope you're having a good book reading weekend!
Yesterday, Stalked by the Past was released, and I took you on a rollercoaster ride.
Today, Dying to Love was released, and you got to see what happens when someone isn't honest in their relationship.

It likely left you a little stirred up.
I'm glad. I want my books to make you laugh, cry, scream, and want to kill me. (okay maybe not that)
So what's next?
Is morgan making us wait until June for the next book?

If you want to get some resolution for what happens at the end of Dying to Love, the 18th FBI book, you'll get it in April with Kiss of Souls.
It's a Littlemoon Blackhawk cross over.

You can preorder it here.

It will answer some of the questions before Revenge has Come is released in June.

Happy reading!
Don't forget to leave me a review!

Much love, Mayhem, and Murder,


double release!!!

Today is the second part of the release day for Dying to Love!!!!

It's number 18! I can't believe that back in 2013 I released The Killing Times, and now here we are, 18 books later in this series, and quickly approaching 50 in total with all of my series! I hope you enjoy it!

You can find it here.

Don't forget to leave me a review! Don't forget that Kiss of Souls is the crossover novel that will combine the Littlemoons and the Blackhawks. It's available for pre-order today!

Let's get our killing on!

Much love, mayhem, and murder,