Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Book covers and updates.

As you can imagine, I get a lot of emails asking about what's coming up.
Well, I've added new tabs to the top of the page. You can now get a sneak peek at the covers and
the release dates.
So, pop on up there and check it out!

Much Love, Mayhem and Murder,


Good morning!

Happy Hump day!

I hope you're all having a great week! For those of you in the US, you're probably prepping and getting read for the upcoming Turkey day. Me too! I can't wait to spend it with family, as we gorge on delicious food.
For those of you outside the states, I wish you could all be here! I would love to share my turducken feast with you!

As we roll into the holiday season, I'm sure we're all going to be busy. I know that I am. Currently, Blood Red Rage (book 1) is off being edited and proofed. It's due back the day before Turkey day, and I can't wait to do my final read through and stick a fork in it!
So far, my editor and proofer are enjoying it, and I only hope that when you read the Littlemoon series, you will too.
It's a little different and not my customary book. It still has mystery, the same fun characters, and intrigue, but it's my foray into the paranormal.
Now, don't panic.
I don't go crazy and have creatures that are bizarre and science fiction-y all over the place. I promise. In Blood Red Rage, we get to hang out with Justin Littlemoon. (Remember him from Darkness of Truth?) Well, he's back and helping his family build up the new business.
Only, he's about to have a life altering thing happen.
Yeah, you guessed it.
I hope you enjoy the relationship that forms between him and Detective Vivian Graves. She's fun, smart, and a little bit different. (Hint Hint)

That's all I can tell you for now, but there will be a synopsis coming soon, I promise!

What else am I working on?
Well, I'm in the process of getting my Vampyre series re-released. The titles have changed, and they're getting new details and more pages. I'm rewriting the first one, Dangerous Revelations right now. The cover is ready and it just has to be wrapped, edited and proofed. That's slotted sometime in February.

I love hearing from you. Nothing makes me smile more than seeing an email from my readers. I also love when you tell me what you think should happen. I'm so glad that you've all taken a personal investment in my books from Lyzee to Emma and Tori too. They feel like the girlfriends that we all want in our lives.
I sincerely hope that they make you smile, like they do me.

Keep reading and have a great holiday season!

I'm doing a Blackhawk themed Christmas tree this year, so maybe there will be pictures....

Much love, Mayhem and Murder,
