Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!!!

Happy Holidays!
I hope you all have a really blessed time with your families and loved ones!
Thank you for an amazing year. I'm very fortunate that I have been able to spend the last 365 days weaving tales to keep you all entertained.
I appreciate you all very much!

My fondest wish is that this is another spectacular year with me continuing on with the stories that have begun. I can't wait to give you more of Elizabeth's story, Emma's and Tori's too. Along with some new people thrown into the mix. We're going to meet Jolie, the undead, and also Callista Carter .
So many stories to tell, and so little time to tell it in.
I can't wait!

It's going to be a great year! I promise!!!!!

Happy holidays, season's greetings, and from my family to yours, Merry Christmas!

Much Love, Mayhem, and Murder,
