Friday, January 17, 2020

Twice as nice...

What's better than one book release in a month?
How about two?
Guess what is coming your way next?

Someone has a second FBI book for you, and it here!

We are taking it old-school, and heading back to the reservation that started it all. I hope you enjoy the moments with Timothy, the brothers, and all the other family thrown into the mix.

Happy second release day!

As a mini-spoiler, I will say this book ends in a cliffhanger. Is it a huge one? Possibly. So, in order not to make some of you cliffhanger-haters mad, you will want to read (In order that I've written them) the next two books that are being released. February and March will give you clues before the big resolution in June and October.

I hope you enjoy!

Much love, mayhem, and murder,
