Thursday, July 18, 2019

New preorder for Blood of my Enemies!

Oh, so the emails i received after June's FBI book!
Some of you were ready to kill me for that cliffhanger.

Well, it's time for the followup book!
Here is the preorder link.

You can preorder here.

You can order Blood of my Enemies here.

I hope y'all forgive me.

Let me know what you think of the last two FBI books, and thank you for your reviews! 



Just popping in to give you the heads-up! If you're a KU customer, The Killing Times is now available for free download. If you have KU, you can't keep the book. Now, you can own your copy!

Here is the link!

Happy downloading!!!!

Coming soon..

Preorder for Blood of my Enemies!
Watch for it!
